The Balanced Body pH Testing Workshop

When it comes to pHenomenal health - BALANCE IS EVERYTHING!

"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day."  ~ JIM ROHN

Workshop Summary

In this online workshop, you will learn how to test your own pH right in your own home and learn which foods you should consume more of and which ones you should avoid.

Getting (and keeping) your body more alkaline can be a pivotal point in your healing process.

You will learn...

how to test your own pH & what that means to your health.

how stress is the #1 cause of acidity.

how to build your mineral stores.

the importance of enzymes & why they are more important than simply digesting food.

why minerals are so important for neutralizing acids.

how to get in with the good: Alkaline foods.

Workshop Curriculum

Tina Quinn

Registered BioEnergetic Practitioner, Certified Fermentationist

Tina is a wife and mom of 2 boys with a love of the microbiome and fermentation.  

…a Traditional Foods Coach, Certified Fermentationist and health-preneur dedicated to helping women use traditional food as medicine to heal from the root cause.

With the birth of her first child, her devotion to food allergies led her to study BioEnergetics to heal his constant belly pain.

She now has a passion in helping busy women and moms re-aquire traditional skills and to re-educate and inspire healthy living methods in our fast-paced modern world through mineral education and food preservation.
Just like herself, she wants you to embrace bacteria as your health promoting, food preserving and protective friends.  She wants you to appreciate the magic that your microbiome has and the importance of incorporating natural probiotics into your daily routine!.

Course Pricing


$37 CAD

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