Earth Day Celebration Series 2022

7 Day Earth Day Aeroponic Growing Series - STARTS APRIL 22ND

Celebration Through Action, on Earth Day – April 22 – and Every Day

Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.

Earth Day was first celebrated on 22 April 1970, often considered as the birth of the environmental movement. Over the years, Earth Day has become the largest participatory environmental movement on the planet.

Earth Day was first celebrated in Canada by a small yet influential group in 1990, leading to the establishment of Earth Day Canada (EDC), a national environmental charity which overlooks Earth Day events and supports Canadians in celebrating the largest environmental event worldwide across 196 countries.


In addition to learning all about  Aeroponic Gardening with the Tower Garden, we are planning an amazing lineup of speakers for our Earth Day 2022 Series!

By donating today, you can help Earth Day Canada continue to develop innovative environmental actions and raise awareness to reduce our impact on the environment.

Green Smoothie Workshop

Learn how to create a smoothie garden and how you can add your tower greens into your smoothies, create freezer packs and so much more

Salad Bar Workshop

Learn how to plan your week with nutritious salads!  Consistency is ke.y

Nourishing Broth Workshop

Too many greens?  No problem, learn how to use your larger tower greens to make a nourishing broth to feed you and your family.

Environment Impact

Learn how to reduce your carbon footprint, reduce water consumption and contribute to the locovore movement using the Tower Garden.

Seedling Tips

Learn all about starting your seeds, planning your tower and where to find a variety of seeds and/or seedlings.

Homeschooling with a Tower

Learn how you can help inspire & teach our younger generation with available lesson plans!


$1 CAD

  • 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Earth Day Canada

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$10 CAD

  • 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Earth Day Canada



$5 CAD

  • 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Earth Day Canada

Donate $5

The importance of water conservation

When you consider that our home planet Earth is made up mostly of water, it might be difficult to fully appreciate how important conserving water is. Yes, when looking down from space, you see vast oceans and seas that cover the majority of Earth’s circumference with blue. And while those bodies of water serve as homes to many organisms and are necessary key players in the function of Earth’s larger ecosystem, they don’t readily provide water for human use.

In fact, according to The Global Environment Facility, “Water is the largest natural resource, but only 3% of it is freshwater, of which just 1/3 is accessible for use in agriculture and cities. The rest is frozen in glaciers or hidden too deep underground.”

So, yes, the Earth is made of mostly water, but that statement is a little vague. What we really should be considering is that the Earth is made of mostly water that we cannot use. Once I pondered that statistic, conservation became a much higher priority in my mind.

Most of the water suitable for human use is found in aquifers, underground stores of freshwater. This supply has been in high demand, especially with growing populations, climate change, and evolving agricultural needs. In fact, 40 out of 50 U.S. state water managers expect water shortages in their states by 2023.

 The Tower Garden reservoir acts as a miniature aquifer, holding freshwater that is pumped upward to nourish the growing plants in the unit. While the reservoir does need replenishing every now and then, for the most part, it functions using the same 20 gallons of water over and over again to grow your greens. That’s sustainability if I’ve ever seen it..


$1 CAD

  • 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Earth Day Canada

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$10 CAD

  • 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Earth Day Canada



$5 CAD

  • 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Earth Day Canada

Donate $5

Earth Day Series Daily Themes & Curriculum