Fermentation FUN-damentals
Unveiling the Science of Safe Fermentation

Where science meets FUN....

Fermentation FUN-damentals is your gateway to the fascinating world of fermentation, now with a science-based twist.

This comprehensive 6-month program is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills required to embark on a journey of safe and science-backed fermentation practices.

Why join Fermentation FUN-damentals?

Why join Fermentation FUN-dmentals…

Comprehensive Foundation: Dive deep into the science behind fermentation while mastering the art of safe and traditional fermentation techniques. Our course is thoughtfully designed to cater to both beginners and enthusiasts. 

Personalized Support: Benefit from in-person learning and gain direct access to me throughout the entire program. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, receive feedback, and work closely with a fermentation expert every step of the way. Together, we’ll prepare for live workshops, troubleshoot challenges, and ensure you’re confident in your fermentation journey.

The problem is:

Buying high-quality fermented foods? It's expensive, and those store-bought versions can’t compete with the freshness and potency of homemade ferments. But let’s face it, the idea of fermenting at home can feel a little intimidating, right? Fear of messing up, contamination, or not knowing where to start keeps many from diving into the world of fermentation.

So WHAT can you do, you ask?

Master the safe and simple techniques of home fermentation with **Fermentation FUN-damentals**. This comprehensive program is designed to demystify the process of fermentation so you can confidently create gut-boosting, probiotic-rich foods in your own kitchen. You’ll learn the science behind it all and get hands-on experience, eliminating fear and uncertainty. Plus, say goodbye to those pricey store-bought ferments—your homemade creations will not only be more cost-effective but more nutritious too!

The best part???

The best part?

It’s all packed inside this hands-on, science-backed program, with direct access to me for guidance and support!

So, if you’re ready to:

  • Save money by making your own high-quality fermented foods at home
  • Overcome your fears of fermentation with a clear, step-by-step approach
  • Master the art of fermentation safely, using science to guide you
  • Feel more energized, improve your digestion, and support your immune system 
  • Have fun! 

Then welcome to Fermentation FUN-damentals—where you’ll discover how easy and empowering home fermentation can be. 

…  welcome my world, gorgeous.

Meet your Health Coach


…a Traditional Foods Coach, Certified Fermentationist and health-preneur dedicated to helping individuals use traditional food as medicine to heal from the root cause.

My goal is to help you ignite the natural healing processes that your body already has so that you can feel alive again! I have a passion in helping others re-aquire traditional skills and to re-educate and inspire healthy living methods in our fast-paced modern world.

Just like me, I want you to embrace bacteria as your health promoting, food preserving and protective friends. I want you to appreciate the magic that your microbiome has and the importance of incorporating natural probiotics into your daily routine!

Did you know that fermented foods can make or break your overall health?

You heard me right—if you're not incorporating these probiotic-rich, fermented foods into your diet, your gut can fall out of balance, and when that happens, every system and organ in your body is impacted.

So that… extra weight? Chronic health issues? Fatigue? Poor digestion? Belly bloat? Mood swings? Low immunity?

Yep… you can most likely trace all of those back to poor gut health. These symptoms are your body’s way of signaling that it’s time to nourish your gut and restore balance. Let’s get started on this journey together with the power of fermentation.

Here’s a peek at what’s inside this program:

  • 6 months of hands-on, science-based fermentation workshops to guide you through creating safe and delicious ferments, from kombucha to kimchi and more.
  • Monthly in-person sessions, where we’ll dive into the art and science of fermentation together, covering everything you need to know to ferment confidently.
  • Direct support from me throughout the entire program—whether it’s troubleshooting, answering questions, or helping you fine-tune your fermentation skills, I’m here to ensure your success. 
  • -Comprehensive handouts and resources, packed with science-backed tips, safety protocols, and step-by-step instructions to keep you on track in your fermentation journey. 
  • Enjoy connecting with like-minded people who share your passion for fermentation, while having fun and building a community of fermentation enthusiasts. 

This is more than a course; it’s a journey. A complete transformation.

You’re about to embark on a life-changing experience, where you’ll leave behind the fear and uncertainty of fermentation and master the art of creating safe, gut-healing ferments at home.

This program guarantees success AND eliminates the overwhelm of learning how to ferment safely and effectively.

It’s time to take back control of your gut health, your energy, and your vitality through the power of fermentation.

So take the first step. Start your fermentation journey today and let your body thrive from the inside out.

Feel empowered, no matter how busy your life is, because you deserve to nourish your body with the best foods nature has to offer.

I promise you this:
You will not feel lost.
You will not be overwhelmed.
You will thrive.
No more expensive store-bought ferments. No more hesitation. No more wondering if you’re doing it right.

Join the Fermentation Revolution and unlock science-backed content over the next 6 months, guiding you step-by-step through your fermentation journey!

Check out some of our Testimonials

“I could not believe how amazing I felt after 2 weeks. I had no idea grains were making me so tired and bloated. I had no energy. I was eating sugar and could not give it up. I started this program and wrote in my food diary daily. I had a ah-ha moment when I ate oatmeal and felt exhausted. Since I gave up grains, no more rumbling in my stomach. Thank you. Thank you.”

- Jessie.

“ For years I had acid reflux after I ate. I tried everything. I felt hopeless. I was scared to eat. I started doing this program and within 6 weeks, I felt like a new person. I learned how to properly combine my foods. I learned about cultured foods and my body is changing. I am so blessed. I am so thankful. I would not be here without you.”

- Susan

“I was gaining weight and yet I was not eating too much food. I could not figure out what was wrong. I thought I was eating healthy but realized I was eating foods that were not right for my body. I learned about probiotics and cultured foods. I also learned I needed to change the way I reacted to stress and this program helped me. I am grateful to have my life back.”

- Amber

It’s time. Invest in yourself and finally learn how to:

  • Safely and confidently prepare a variety of fermented foods for you and your family  
  • Nourish your body with probiotic-rich, gut-friendly creations  
  • Show your gut—the body’s “second brain”—some serious love, and feel the benefits in every aspect of your health  
  • Boost your digestion, support your immune system, and elevate your energy  
  • Become the healthiest, most vibrant version of YOU  

Pay in Full



  • 1 time payment
  • 6 month program
  • In-person instruction
  • Online HUB

Monthly Installments


Per Month

  • 6 monthly payments
  • 6 month program
  • In-person instruction
  • Online HUB